
Out of Phase Aphorisms

Please find on this page, and subsequent pages - follow the links - the author's copious personal collection of bon mots, quotations, aphorisms and excerpts presented as ready-to-use "meme" resources. They are not in any particular order at this stage, but include the whole range of thinkers, writers and savants, contemporary and historical, relevant to the wide interests of this online enterprise. Most are gleaned from the author's eclectic reading of out of phase authors. Most present out of phase and unfashionable points of view largely of a traditionalist, reactionary and paleo-conservative orientation. There is a great excess of them for the reason given in the heading quotation by Novalis, above. 

Feel free to download any of the same and to post them to the social media outlet of your choice. Links back to 'Out of Phase' are greatly appreciated. 

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