
Friends & Worthy Adversaries

The hyperlinks below were current as of July 2019.

Alt Media

Hot Air

The Unshackled
Epoch Times
Bad Blue
Drudge Report
Daily Caller
China Digital Times
Red Alert Politics
Weekly Standard

Information Clearing House
The Unz Review
Gateway Pundit
21st Century Wire
The Spectator
New Eastern Outlook

New Reaction

Unqualified Reservations

Froude Society
Captain Capitalism
Dark Enlightenment
Outside In
Neo-Ciceronian Times
Reactionary Notes
The Oriental Reactionary
The Free Northerner

Conservatives & Commentary

The Imaginative Conservative

Upon Hope - Traditional Conservatism
Men and Women

Notes from a Red Pill Girl

The Conservative Woman
The Thinking Housewife
Culture Watch
Illimitable Men


Unofficial RoyaltyAustralians for Constitutional Monarchy

Royal World
Japanese Imperial Household Agency
International Commission on Nobility & Royalty
The Monarchist
World of Royalty
Royal Russia
Theodore's Royalty & Monarchy Site
International Monarchist League
Australian Monarchist League
Radical Royalist
The Mad Monarchist
The British Royal Family

Religions & Spiritual Paths

The Distributist Review

Avesta - Zoroastrian Archives
The Pittsford Perennialist
The Taoist I Ching 
Sacred Web - A Journal of Tradition & Modernity
Encyclopedia of Shinto
Post-Secular Age (Eric Voegelin)
Avesta - Zoroastrian Archive
Studies in Comparative Religion
Soul of the East - Russian Orthhodox Tradition
The Foundation for Traditional Studies
The Mevlevi Order of Australia
Sophia Perennis
A Post-Secular Age

History & Nostalgia

Project Gutenberg

Historical Atlas of the British Empire
The British Empire
History of the Mormons
Victorian Musings
Photo Orientalist
The Eclectic Edwardian
The Kissed Mouth
The Art of Manliness


Yeats: A Vision

Culture & Cosmos
Alchemy Guild
Balkan's Arcane Bindings
Alchemy -
Inner Journey to the West
The Mormon Tarot
Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition
The Classical Astrologer
Julius Evola Text Archive
Rubedo Press
Aaron Cheak
Wise Cosmos Initiative
The Henry Corbin Project
Gurdjieff Heritage Society
The Hermetic Library
Hellenistic Astrology
Studies on Magick
Hamlet's Mill 
Aleister Crowley Society


Platonic Philosophy

Wendell Berry Books
The Maverick Philosopher
The Matheson Trust
Platonic Politics - N. C. Clark 
Plato Dialogues - Bernard Suzanne
College of Stoic Philosophers
Traditional Stoicism
International Society for NeoPlatonic Studies
Roger Scruton

Art & Aesthetics

Monovisions Transverse Alchemy

Otto Ropp: Art of the Mystic
Bring Back Art
The Prince's School of Traditional Arts
Orientalist Art
Marcantonio - Traditional Architects
Orientalist Painters
Art Contrarian
Art Renewal Centre
International Network for Traditional Architecture
Dangerous Minds

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