
Monday 12 August 2013

The Hemlock Appreciation Society

I think it is very Platonic to have an ironic facade to a serious enterprise. That is the inspiration behind the Hemlock Appreciation Society. (The Society began among a few friends from the University over coffee and lamentations about intellectual life in this town.) We're working on developing this idea in creative ways, most of them in the off-line world.

Here is our charter:


ὁ δὲ ἀνεξέταστος βίος οὐ βιωτὸς ἀνθρώπῳ

The Society exists for the study of Platonic philosophy as a body of perennial wisdom.

We read the dialogues of Plato.

Membership is by invitation only.

The motto of the Society is: 'Philosophy begins in wonder!'

The oath of membership is 'By the dog!'

Members are required to keep their membership concealed from casual inquirers.

The duration of membership is the next three lifetimes or until the member achieves the Vision of the Good, whichever comes first.

The proceedings of the Society are conducted in the memory of our comrade and friend in philosophy Algis Uzdavinys (1962-2010)



Proceedings of the Society shall be conducted as follows:

Quorum - Quorum is two or more members of the Society.

The Reading - One of the members shall read a passage from the Phaedo.

The Toast - One of the members shall propose a toast "By the dog" to which all members in attendance shall drink.

Thereafter, philosophy. 


  1. Hi Rod,

    Apt that a society lamenting the death of philosophy (and Arts in general) in the Academy should call itself the Hemlock Appreciation Society, and read from the Phaedo - the dialogue recounting Socrates' last words (THE philosopher)!!

    Jarred V

    1. Hi Jarred,

      And I'm proud to say that it is now affiliated with the Beer & Eckhart Society.

