
Saturday 14 March 2015

The Travels of Harper McAlpine Black

The above map - readers will excuse the indulgence of old cartography - gives a rough indication of the journeys of the current author over the last thirty or so years. Admittedly, not all of these journeys have been physical - some have been intellectual or even spiritual - but there have, nevertheless, been whole continents and worlds traversed. His travels have been, by and large, eastwards, beginning in the United Kingdom and Europe and ending, most recently, in Japan.

Some places, people and interests along the way, more or less in their chronological sequence, one thing leading on to another:

*Anglicanism and Celtic Christianity
*Stonehenge and Pre-Christian British Isles
*Isle of Mann - Anglo-Saxon Paganism
*Zurich - Jung
*W.B. Yeats - A Vision
*London - The Golden Dawn and ceremonial magic
*Paris - MacGregor Mathers
*Dornach - Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy
*Gnostic Christianity
*Jerusalem - Hebrew Kabbalah
*Athens - Plato
*Istanbul - Turkish Islaam
*Konya - Mevlevi Soofism
*Dawoodia Soofism
*Cairo - Rene Guenon and Perennialism
*Tehran - Corbin and the Mundus Imaginalis
*Lahore - Shia Islaam and Illuminationism
*Delhi - Sankara and Advaita vedanta
*Mircea Eliade - Alchemy
*Singapore - Complete Reality Taoism
*Kyoto - Zen Buddhism

Many of these topics are covered or reflected in these pages. The above map provides at least some measure of coherence to an otherwise eclectic assortment of interests. 


Harper McAlpine Black

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