
Wednesday 23 September 2015

The Young Queen


On the evening of the day that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, became the longest reigning British monarch in history the present author had retired to a hotel with several other gentlemen to discuss the state of the world over a few crafted ales. In bringing up the matter of the Queen's extraordinary longevity, one of the gentlemen made the observation that Her Majesty had, when young, been particularly beautiful. The adjective used, in fact, was "hot". This was generally agreed, even among those of us not particularly given to monarchist leanings. 

To celebrate the Queen's lengthy and on-going reign, and her great dedication to duty, therefore, readers will find below a short collection of photographs of the young Queen to demonstrate the same. She was, when young, a very beautiful woman. And, it must be said, her beauty is matched with her style and her timeless elegance. In a century of chaos, ugliness and corruption that has included, amongst other things, the dissolution of the British Empire - something once inconceivable - she has remained steadfast and unshaken in her duty, unfaltering in her wisdom, a perfect pillar of tradition. She is certainly the greatest asset of the British in our times and the only remaining recommendation for monarchy that we have. 


Harper McAlpine Black

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